
L’expertise principale de l’équipe « Surfaces » est le contrôle des propriétés physico-chimiques de surface à l’aide d’un large ensemble de techniques d’analyse de surface (spectroscopie, microscopie, mouillabilité) et de modification de surface (micro-nanostructuration). Des méthodologies originales sont développées, y compris l’application de diverses techniques de lithographie douce pour des motifs 2D et 3D à haute résolution et haute densité.

Axes de recherche

L’équipe « Surfaces » développe des méthodologies d’analyse de surface

Notre expertise en techniques de microscopie (AFM, SEM) et de spectroscopie de surface (ToF-SIMS, XPS, SEM-EDS, FTIR, …), physico-chimie (mouillabilité, tensiométrie) permet une caractérisation précise des modifications apportées aux propriétés de surface. Nous développons des méthodologies d’analyse de surface pour comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans diverses fonctionnalisations / divers revêtements de haute technicité destinés à de futures applications industrielles.

L’équipe « Surfaces » développe également des méthodologies originales, simples et bon marché pour la micro-nano-structuration sur mesure des matériaux

Nous avons une expertise spécifique dans la fonctionnalisation et la modification de surface en utilisant diverses décharges plasma. Nous développons des techniques de lithographie douce pour localiser les dépôts sur diverses surfaces de substrats, en particulier les surfaces polymères. Nous développons des protocoles originaux pour des motifs à haute résolution combinant l’impression par micro-contact / transfert de micro-moulage sur des substrats organiques et inorganiques (dont métalliques).

Projets de recherche

Projets collaboratifs récents

Projet 101135783
RESIN GREEN (Resist materials for transition to green processing in semiconductor industry)
42 mois

PSPC Régions MIROIR – Conception de solutions semi-industrielles de métallisation de matériaux souples innovants et résistants pour le luxe et la protection individuelle (2019 2024)
Consortium : HEF-IREIS (coordinateur), EUROPROTECT-France, AJ Biais, Julien Faure, Science et Surface, Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280, D. Léonard) & IFTH

Projet Région AURA R&D Booster SENSITELLE – Conception d’une nouvelle structure anti-glisse avec de hautes performances d’adhérence, de confort et d’esthétisme (2020-2023)
Consortium : Fontanille Scop (coordinateur), Massebeuf Textiles, Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280, D. Léonard)

ANR LITHOGREEN – Développement de polymères issus de la biomasse pour les procédés de micro et nanofabrication écoresponsables en milieu aqueux (2020-2023)
Coord. Yann CHEVOLOT (INL)
Consortium : Institut de Nanotechnologies de Lyon (ILN), Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (IMP), Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M), Laboratoire d’Electronique des Technologies de l’Information (CEA-LETI), Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280, D. Léonard)

ANR PLASHYBRID – Molécule-Plasmon MétaHybrides (2018-2023)
Coord. Joel BELLESSA (ILM)
Consortium : Institut Lumière Matière (ILM UMR 5306), Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS UMR 7006, Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280, F. Bessueille), Institut Langevin Institut Langevin Ondes et Images

Projets collaboratifs plus anciens (sélection)

FUI ACTINAT – ACTIvation des fibres NATurelles par Oxyfluoration (2015-2019)
Consortium : IFTH (coordination), Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280, D. Léonard), TAD, SATAB, HUGOTAG, FRD, Science et Surface

ANR ACTIPHEN – Composés phénoliques antimicrobiens d’origine végétale pour la conservation des aliments (2014-2019)
Coord. Pascal Degraeve (BioDyMIA)
Consortium : Laboratoire de Bioingénierie et Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires (BioDyMIA UCBL-ISARA n°3733 – P. Degraeve coordinator), Laboratoire des Interactions Moléculaires et de la Réactivité Chimique et Photochimique (IMRCP – University Paul Sabatier), Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA – UMR 5280, C. Bordes ; D. Léonard pour l’équipe Surfaces), Nat’ex Biotech, Addikem-Addiplast

ANR ECOLUB – Economie d’Energie dans les Moteurs Diesel Approche Holistique Couplant Revêtements DLC/Diamant et Nouveau Lubrifiants (2011-2014)
Coord. M.-I. De Barros Bouchet (LTDS, ECL)
Consortium : LTDS (ECL), Institut des Sciences Analytiques, Total, HEF R&D, PSA, CNRS

FUI PLASTRONICS – Technologie d’interconnexion et de report des composants sur pièces plastiques (2011-2014)
Partenaires : ARaymond, INL (CNRS), Mines St-Etienne, Gamberini, MIND, InvenSense, Radiall, ISA (F. Bessueille) en sous-traitance du partenaire CNRS

ISI TEXACTIV – Dermatextiles à action durable et contrôlée (procédé d’encapsulation, formulation, physico-chimie des surfaces) (2011-2015)
Consortium : Massebeuf textiles (coordinateur), Alpol, Euracli, IFTH, IMP, LAGEP, UFC-LIBC, ISA-LSA (D. Léonard), Monnet, ISA-SCA, Science & Surface, Sigvaris, DIM, Belmaille, Bioexigence

FUI POLYBIO – Interaction entre fluides biologiques et polymères (2010-2015)
Consortium: Plastibell Pharm (P. Daviet, coordinateur), AGUETTANT, ERYtech Pharma, BIOPROTEC, AcXys Technologies, Plastibell, Union Plastic, HEF R, Sippex et Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA UMR 5280 dont Surfaces – D. Léonard), Laboratoire Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (IMP – UMR5223), Institut de génomique fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL – UMR 5242)

FUI COMPHOSOL2 – Revêtements COMposites à propriétés PHOtocatalytiques obtenus par voie sol-gel sur matériaux souples (bâtiment) (2010-2014)
Consortium : Dickson St Clair (coordinateur), Siliflow, Science et Surface, LCMPC, LSA (devenu Institut des Sciences Analytiques – D. léonard), LMI, IRCELYON, CTP, Polyrise, Thor, Pylote, PAPETERIE GEREX, EPURE DESIGN, LPMM

ANR NANOCONTACTPRINTER – Nanotamponnage à haute résolution d’impression (2010-2011) (ANR (Programme Emergence 2010))
Consortium : INL, LSA (devenu Institut des Sciences Analytiques) (F. Bessueille), LST

Projet Européen FEDER MARVEL – Microgravure du Verre par Electrolyse Luminescente (2010-2012)
Financeur : Europe (FEDER France-Suisse)
Consortium : Ereo (coord. Suisse), Manep, LSA (devenu Institut des Sciences Analytiques) (coord. France) et Glass Technology


L’équipe « Surfaces » a de nombreux partenariats, en particulier via les projets collaboratifs dont une sélection est détaillée ci-dessus.

Elle réalise également des études spécifiques pour des partenaires industrielles (typiquement d’une année). Pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous n’en faisons pas la liste ici.

Citons toutefois quatre thèses CIFRE encadrées par le Pr. D. Léonard :

thèse CIFRE avec Ahlstrom (thèse T. Le Loarer)
thèse CIFRE avec ST Microelectronics – Crolles (thèse X. Ravanel)
thèse CIFRE avec ST Microelectronics – Rousset (thèse A. James)
thèse CIFRE avec OliSens (thèse B. OLIINYK) (en cours)

Capacités expérimentales et instrumentales

Voici la liste de nos équipements principaux :

Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS)
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS)
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
RF & MW plasma
(V)UV sources
soft lithography
electroless metallization


  • Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs

    • François BESSUEILLE
    • Didier LEONARD
    • Laurène TETARD
  • Soutien à la recherche

    • Corinne GABLIN
    • Pierrick ZERBINO
  • Doctorants

    • Eddi NOLY

Publications (sources HAL)

Articles dans une revue

  • Paule Durin, Olha Sysova, Alexandre Téolis, Stéphane Trombotto, Samar Hajjar-Garreau, et al.. Water-soluble bio-sourced resist interactions with fluorinated etching plasmas during the photolithography process. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 2023, 41 (6), pp.062204. ?10.1116/6.0002934?. ?hal-04266493?
  • Clémentine Symonds, V. Toanen, A. Gassenq, J.-M. Benoit, Antonio A. Pereira, et al.. Confined Tamm plasmon light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122 (26), ?10.1063/5.0151792?. ?hal-04190007?
  • Amani Chrouda, Dhekra Ayed, Manahil Babiker Elamin, Shazalia Mahmoud Ahmed Ali, Laila M Alhaidari, et al.. Design of a Boron-Doped Diamond Microcell Grafted with HRP for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Ochratoxin A. Chemosensors, 2023, 11, pp.176. ?10.3390/chemosensors11030176?. ?hal-04015127?
  • Sabri Ouni, Anis Madaci, Mohamed Haouari, Naim Bel Haj Mohamed, Francois Bessueille, et al.. A Novel Conductometric Micro-sensor for Methanol Detection Based on Chitosan/Zinc Sulfide-Nanoparticles Composite Obtained by Green Synthesis. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2023, 33 (8), pp.2574-2585. ?10.1007/s10904-023-02696-8?. ?hal-04497317?
  • Pouyan Razmshoar, S. Hajir Bahrami, Mohammad Rabiee, Isaac A.M. Frias, Marie Hangouet, et al.. An impedimetric immunosensor based on PAMAM decorated electrospun polystyrene fibers for detection of interleukin-10 cytokine. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 926, pp.116953. ?10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.116953?. ?hal-03996688?
  • Sylvain Minot, Corinne Gablin, Alban Gassenq, Antoine Bard, Clémentine Symonds, et al.. Exploring the benefits of surface analysis techniques to develop double multilayer transfer printing of J-Aggregates cyanine dyes by integrating L-b-L and μCp processes. Talanta, 2022, 250, pp.123731. ?10.1016/j.talanta.2022.123731?. ?hal-03746643?
  • Meryem Belkilani, Carole Farre, Yves Chevalier, Sylvain Minot, François Bessueille, et al.. Mechanisms of Influenza Virus HA2 Peptide Interaction with Liposomes Studied by Dual-Wavelength MP-SPR. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, ?10.1021/acsami.2c09039?. ?hal-03730479?
  • Emna Moujehed, Zied Zarai, Haifa Khemir, Neila Miled, Mohamed Salah Bchir, et al.. Cleaner degreasing of sheepskins by the Yarrowia lipolytica LIP2 lipase as a chemical-free alternative in leather industry. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 211, pp.112292. ?10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.112292?. ?hal-03494701?
  • Olha Sysova, Paule Durin, Corinne Gablin, Didier Léonard, Alexandre Téolis, et al.. Chitosan as a Water-Developable 193 nm Photoresist for Green Photolithography. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4 (6), pp.4508-4519. ?10.1021/acsapm.2c00475?. ?hal-03703059?
  • Antoine Bard, Sylvain Minot, Clémentine Symonds, Jean‐Michel Benoit, Alban Gassenq, et al.. Extended Hybridization and Energy Transfer in Periodic Multi‐Material Organic Structures in Strong Coupling with Surface Plasmon. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, pp.2200349. ?10.1002/adom.202200349?. ?hal-03725655?
  • Meryem Belkilani, Maryam Shokouhi, Carole Farre, Yves Chevalier, Sylvain Minot, et al.. Surface Plasmon Resonance Monitoring of Mono-Rhamnolipid Interaction with Phospholipid-Based Liposomes. Langmuir, 2021, 37 (26), pp.7975-7985. ?10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c00846?. ?hal-03282399?
  • Fares Zouaoui, Saliha Bourouina-Bacha, Mustapha Bourouina, Albert Alcacer, Joan Bausells, et al.. Theoretical study and analytical performance of a lysozyme impedimetric microsensor based on a molecularly imprinted chitosan film. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 339, pp.129903. ?10.1016/j.snb.2021.129903?. ?hal-03249888?
  • Ibtissem Jlalia, Fares Zouaoui, Taha Chabbah, Saber Chatti, Patrice Saint-Martin, et al.. Adsorption Characteristics of WFD Heavy Metal Ions on New Biosourced Polyimide Films Determined by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2021, 31 (6), pp.2471-2482. ?10.1007/s10904-020-01842-w?. ?hal-03380017?
  • Niall O'Toole, Constance Lecourt, Yan Suffren, Francois Toche, Rodica Chiriac, et al.. Intercalation of a manganese(II)-thiacalixarene luminescent complex in layered double hydroxides: synthesis and photophysical characterization. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45 (1), pp.343-350. ?10.1039/d0nj04890a?. ?hal-03127398?
  • Elie Akanny, Sandrine Bourgeois, Anne Bonhommé, Carine Commun, Anne Doleans-Jordheim, et al.. Development of enteric polymer-based microspheres by spray-drying for colonic delivery of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 584, pp.119414. ?10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119414?. ?hal-02924127?
  • Imane Boubezari, François Bessueille, Anne Bonhomme, Gaëtan Raimondi, Ali Zazoua, et al.. Laccase-Based Biosensor Encapsulated in a Galactomannan-Chitosan Composite for the Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds. Biosensors, 2020, 10 (6), pp.70. ?10.3390/bios10060070?. ?hal-02934601?
  • Coral Salvo-Comino, Ilhem Rassas, Sylvain Minot, Fancois Bessueille, Maria Luz Rodriguez-Mendez, et al.. Voltammetric sensor based on electrodeposited molecularly imprinted chitosan film on BDD electrodes for catechol detection in buffer and in wine samples. Materials Sciences and Engineering: C, 2020, 110, pp.110667 -. ?10.1016/j.msec.2020.110667?. ?hal-03489875?
  • Elie Akanny, Anne Bonhommé, Carine Commun, Anne Doleans‐jordheim, Carole Farre, et al.. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using uncoated gold nanoparticles for bacteria discrimination. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020, 51 (4), pp.619-629. ?10.1002/jrs.5827?. ?hal-02456008?
  • B. V. Oliinyk, K. Isaieva, A. I. Manilov, T. Nychyporuk, A. Geloen, et al.. Silicon-Based Optoelectronic Tongue for Label-Free and Nonspecific Recognition of Vegetable Oils. ACS Omega, 2020, 5 (11), pp.5638-5642. ?10.1021/acsomega.9b03196?. ?hal-02901851?
  • Hajer Chakroun Galai, Nihed Rahmouni, Philippe Namour, Anne Bonhomme, François Bessueille, et al.. Highly Sensitive Voltammetric Catechol Biosensor Based on Electroaddressing of Laccase Encapsulated in Modified Chitosan. Sensor letters, 2020, 18 (3), pp.165-172. ?10.1166/sl.2020.4210?. ?hal-03126722?
  • Hajer Chakroun Galai, Philippe Namour, Anne Bonhommé, François Bessueille, Salma Besbes Hentati, et al.. Elaboration of an Imprinted Polymer Film Based on Chitosan Electrodeposition for the Voltammetric Detection of BPA. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167 (2), pp.027507. ?10.1149/1945-7111/ab6283?. ?hal-02464736?
  • Fleur Rol, Cécile Sillard, Michel Bardet, Jayasubba Reddy Yarava, Lyndon Emsley, et al.. Cellulose phosphorylation comparison and analysis of phosphorate position on cellulose fibers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 229, pp.115294. ?10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.115294?. ?hal-02437118?
  • Yosra Sahraoui, Sana Chaliaa, Abderrazak Maaref, Amor Haddad, François Bessueille, et al.. Synergistic Effect of Polyoxometalate and Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Peroxidase‐like Mimics and Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide. Electroanalysis, 2020, 32 (4), pp.683-689. ?10.1002/elan.201900415?. ?hal-02464773?
  • Elie Akanny, Anne Bonhommé, François Bessueille, Sandrine Bourgeois, Claire Bordes. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for bacteria analysis: a review. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2020, pp.1-43. ?10.1080/05704928.2020.1796698?. ?hal-02919975?
  • Jian Zhang, Didier Léonard, Christelle Yeromonahos, Radoslaw Mazurczyk, Thomas Gehin, et al.. Orthogonal Chemical Functionalization of Au/SiO 2 /TiW Patterned Substrates. Langmuir, 2020, 36 (49), ?10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c02263?. ?hal-03038335?
  • Coral Salvo-Comino, Ilhem Rassas, Sylvain Minot, Francois Bessueille, Madjid Arab, et al.. Voltammetric Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Chitosan-Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles Nanocomposite Deposited on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes for Catechol Detection. Materials, 2020, 13 (3), pp.688. ?10.3390/ma13030688?. ?hal-02962485?
  • Marianne Marchioni, Giulia Veronesi, Isabelle Worms, Wai-Li Ling, Thomas Gallon, et al.. Safer-by-design biocides made of tri-thiol bridged silver nanoparticle assemblies. Nanoscale Horizons, 2020, 5 (3), pp.507-513. ?10.1039/C9NH00286C?. ?hal-02366178?
  • Jian Zhang, Didier Léonard, Radoslaw Mazurczyk, Christelle Yeromonahos, Virginie Monnier, et al.. Orthogonal chemical functionalization of patterned Au/TiW substrate for selective immobilization of nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 2019, 30 (32), pp.325601. ?10.1088/1361-6528/ab1556?. ?hal-02156503?
  • Elie Akanny, Anne Bonhommé, Carine Commun, Anne Doleans-Jordheim, François Bessueille, et al.. Development of uncoated near-spherical gold nanoparticles for the label-free quantification of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 411 (21), pp.5563-5576. ?10.1007/s00216-019-01938-4?. ?hal-02437233?
  • Jian Zhang, Christelle Yeromonahos, Didier Léonard, Thomas Gehin, Claude Botella, et al.. Oxidized Titanium Tungsten Surface Functionalization by Silane-, Phosphonic Acid-, or Ortho-dihydroxyaryl-Based Organolayers. Langmuir, 2019, 35 (29), pp.9554-9563. ?10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b04150?. ?hal-02187637?
  • Ilhem Rassas, Mohamed Braiek, Anne Bonhommé, François Bessueille, Guy Raffin, et al.. Voltammetric glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase encapsulation in a chitosan-kappa-carrageenan polyelectrolyte complex. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2019, 95, pp.152-159. ?10.1016/j.msec.2018.10.078?. ?hal-02115795?
  • Elie Akanny, Anne Bonhommé, Laurence Bois, Sylvain Minot, Sandrine Bourgeois, et al.. Development and Comparison of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Gold Substrates for In Situ Characterization of ‘Model’ Analytes in Organic and Aqueous Media. Chemistry Africa, 2019, 2, pp.1-12. ?10.1007/s42250-019-00053-2?. ?hal-02119126?
  • Ilhem Rassas, Mohamed Braiek, Anne Bonhommé, François Bessueille, Guy Raffin, et al.. Highly Sensitive Voltammetric Glucose Biosensor Based on Glucose Oxidase Encapsulated in a Chitosan/Kappa-Carrageenan/Gold Nanoparticle Bionanocomposite. Sensors, 2019, 19 (1), pp.154. ?10.3390/s19010154?. ?hal-02115814?
  • Bohdan Oliinyk, Dmytro Korytko, Vladimir Lysenko, Sergei Alekseev. Are Fluorescent Silicon Nanoparticles Formed in a One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis?. Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31 (18), pp.7167-7172. ?10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01067?. ?hal-02236812?
  • Yannick Tauran, Mehmet Tarhan, Laurent Mollet, Jean Baptiste Gerves, Momoko Kumemura, et al.. Elucidating the mechanism of the considerable mechanical stiffening of DNA induced by the couple Zn2+/Calix[4]arene-1,3-O-diphosphorous acid. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.Article number: 1226. ?10.1038/s41598-018-19712-4?. ?hal-02105863?
  • Hassen Touzi, Yves Chevalier, François Bessueille, Hafedh Ben Ouada, Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault. Detection of dyestuffs with an impedimetric sensor based on Cu2+-methyl-naphthyl cyclen complex functionalized gold electrodes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 273, pp.1211-1221. ?10.1016/j.snb.2018.07.011?. ?hal-02115879?
  • Nicolas Kaeffer, Christopher D. Windle, Romain Brisse, Corinne Gablin, Didier Léonard, et al.. Insights into the mechanism and aging of a noble-metal free H2-evolving dye-sensitized photocathode. Chemical Science, 2018, 9 (32), pp.6721 - 6738. ?10.1039/c8sc00899j?. ?cea-01884495?
  • Guillaume Colas, Aurélien Saulot, David Philippon, Yves Berthier, Didier Léonard. Tribochemical Competition within a MoS 2 /Ti Dry Lubricated Macroscale Contact in Ultrahigh Vacuum: A Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Investigation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (23), pp.20106-20119. ?10.1021/acsami.8b02999?. ?hal-01859082?
  • Mohamed Braiek, Mohamed Amine Djebbi, François Chateaux, Anne Bonhommé, Roberto Vargiolu, et al.. A conductometric creatinine biosensor prepared through contact printing of polyvinyl alcohol/polyethyleneimine based enzymatic membrane. Microelectronic Engineering, 2018, 187-188, pp.43 - 49. ?10.1016/j.mee.2017.11.018?. ?hal-01767656?
  • Gwenaël Bonfante, Mathieu Maillard, Stéphanie Chevalliot, Benjamin Burger, Bruno Berge, et al.. Failure mode analysis on thermally aged hydrophobic coatings applied to electro wetting. Thin Solid Films, 2018, 646, pp.53 - 60. ?10.1016/j.tsf.2017.11.034?. ?hal-01692363?
  • Charlène Pouech, Laure Wiest, Florent Lafay, Didier Léonard, Cécile Cren-Olive, et al.. Méthodes analytiques pour l'étude de la migration des additifs des conditionnements plastiques pour des applications pharmaceutiques. STP PHARMA PRATIQUES : TECHNIQUES REGLEMENTATION, 2018, 28 (3&4), pp.155-165. ?hal-01915920?
  • Tanguy Terlier, A. Zappalà, C. Marie, Didier Léonard, Jean-Paul Barnes, et al.. ToF-SIMS Depth Profiling of PS- b -PMMA Block Copolymers Using Ar n + , C 60 ++ , and Cs + Sputtering Ions. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89 (13), pp.6984-6991. ?10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00279?. ?hal-01569576?
  • Asma Saadaoui, Sanglar Corinne, Raouf Medimagh, Anne Bonhommé, Robert Baudot, et al.. New biosourced chiral molecularly imprinted polymer: Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of the recognition capacity of methyltestosterone. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2017, 30 (4), pp.e2594. ?10.1002/jmr.2594?. ?hal-01518965?
  • Céline Brunon, Élise Chadeau, Nadia Oulahal, Carol Grossiord, Laurent Dubost, et al.. Antimicrobial finishing of textiles intended for food processing industry by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition - physical vapor deposition of Ag-SiOCH composites coated with AlxOy or SiOCH encapsulation layers. Thin Solid Films, 2017, 628, pp.132-141. ?10.1016/j.tsf.2017.03.004?. ?hal-01539823?
  • Nicolas Queyriaux, Ruri A. Wahyuono, Jennifer Fize, Corinne Gablin, Maria Wächtler, et al.. Aqueous Photocurrent Measurements Correlated to Ultrafast Electron Transfer Dynamics at Ruthenium Tris Diimine Sensitized NiO Photocathodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (11), pp.5891-5904. ?10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12536?. ?hal-01518766?
  • Yosra Sahraoui, Sana Chaalia, Abderrazak Maaref, Amor Haddad, François Bessueille, et al.. Mediator enhanced glucose detection using organic?inorganic hybrid supramolecular assembly on gold electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 781, pp.190-197. ?10.1016/j.jelechem.2016.09.018?. ?hal-01546557?
  • Mohamed Braiek, Yi Yang, Carole Farre, Carole Chaix, François Bessueille, et al.. Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes Modified with Fe 3 O 4 @Au Magnetic Nanocomposites as Sensitive Platform for Detection of a Cancer Biomarker, Interleukin-8.. Electroanalysis, 2016, 28 (8), pp.1810-1816. ?10.1002/elan.201600060?. ?hal-01546541?
  • Olga Gorbatchev, Maria-Isabel De Barros Bouchet, Jean-Michel Martin, Didier Léonard, Thierry Le Mogne, et al.. Friction reduction efficiency of organic Mo-containing FM additives associated to ZDDP for steel and carbon-based contacts. Tribology International, 2016, 99, pp.278-288. ?10.1016/j.triboint.2016.03.035?. ?hal-01541223?
  • Irina Levchuk, Chantal Guillard, Frederic Dappozze, Stéphane Parola, Didier Leonard, et al.. Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films immobilized on aluminum foam by atomic layer deposition technique. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2016, 328, pp.16 - 23. ?10.1016/j.jphotochem.2016.03.034?. ?hal-01379370?
  • Francisco Palazon, Didier Léonard, Thierry Le Mogne, Francesca Zuttion, Céline Chevalier, et al.. Orthogonal chemical functionalization of patterned gold on silica surfaces. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2015, 6, pp.2272-2277. ?10.3762/bjnano.6.233?. ?hal-01363724?
  • Minh Huy Do, Anca Florea, Carole Farre, Anne Bonhommé, François Bessueille, et al.. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensor for the sensitive detection of glyphosate herbicide. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 95 (15), pp.1489-1501 ?10.1080/03067319.2015.1114109?. ?hal-01363684?
  • Charlène Pouech, Agnèta Kiss, Florent Lafay, Didier Léonard, Laure Wiest, et al.. Human exposure assessment to a large set of polymer additives through the analysis of urine by solid phase extraction followed by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015, 1423, pp.111-123. ?10.1016/j.chroma.2015.10.091?. ?hal-01241519?
  • D Gregori, Guillard Chantal, I. Benchenaa, Didier Léonard, Stéphane Parola. Hybrid sol–gel porous nanocomposites as efficient photocatalytic coatings: Insights in the structure/reactivity relationships. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 176-177, pp.472-479. ?10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.04.005?. ?hal-01148422?
  • S. Degioanni, Anne-Marie Jurdyc, A. Cheap, Bernard Champagnon, François Bessueille, et al.. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of amorphous silica gel adsorbed on gold substrates for optical fiber sensors. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118 (15), pp.Article number: 153103. ?10.1063/1.4933280?. ?hal-01228769?
  • Mengjuan Jiang, Mohamed Braiek, Anca Florea, Amani Chrouda, Carole Farre, et al.. Aflatoxin B1 detection using a highly-sensitive molecularly-imprinted electrochemical sensor based on an electropolymerized metal organic framework . Toxins, 2015, 7 (9), pp.3540-3553 ?10.3390/toxins7093540?. ?hal-01363726?
  • G Colas, Aurélien Saulot, D Philippon, Yves Berthier, Didier Léonard. Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy investigation of the chemical rearrangement undergone by MoS2 under tribological conditions. Thin Solid Films, 2015, 588, pp.67-77. ?10.1016/j.tsf.2015.04.051?. ?hal-01186707?
  • Wahid Ben Mefteh, Hassen Touzi, Yves Chevalier, François Bessueille, Rafik Kalfat, et al.. Gold electrodes functionalized by methyl-naphthyl substituted cyclam films for the detection of metal ions. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 213, pp.334-342. ?10.1016/j.snb.2015.02.109?. ?hal-01186741?
  • Jérémy Coulm, Didier Léonard, Cédric Desroches, François Bessueille. Formation and use of palladium(II)–thiol complexes at the surface of PDMS stamps for the fabrication of high resolution and high density metal patterns using soft-lithography techniques. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 466, pp.75-84. ?10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.10.057?. ?hal-01097722?
  • Zhenzhong Guo, Anca Florea, Cecilia Cristea, François Bessueille, Francis Vocanson, et al.. 1,3,5-Trinitrotoluene detection by a molecularly imprinted polymer sensor based on electropolymerization of a microporous-metal-organic framework. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 207, pp.960-966. ?10.1016/j.snb.2014.06.137?. ?hal-01580531?
  • Anca Florea, Zhenzhong Guo, C. Cristea, François Bessueille, Francis Vocanson, et al.. Anticancer drug detection using a highly sensitive molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based on an electropolymerized microporous metalorganic framework. Talanta, 2015, 138, pp.71-76. ?10.1016/j.talanta.2015.01.013?. ?ujm-01121984?
  • Wahid Ben Mefteh, Hassen Touzi, François Bessueille, Yves Chevalier, Rafik Kalfat, et al.. An impedimetric sensor based on a gold electrode functionalized with a thiol self-assembled monolayer modified by terpyridine ligands for the detection of free gadolinium ions. Electroanalysis, 2015, 27 (1), pp.84-92. ?10.1002/elan.201400373?. ?hal-01119623?
  • Amani Chrouda, Amel Sbartai, François Bessueille, Louis Renaud, Abderrazak Maaref, et al.. Electrically addressable deposition of diazonium-functionalized antibodies on boron-doped diamond microcells for the detection of ochratoxin A. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7 (6), pp.2444-2451. ?10.1039/c4ay02899f?. ?hal-01230062?
  • Stéphane Gout, Jérémy Coulm, Didier Léonard, François Bessueille. Silver localization on polyimide using microcontact printing and electroless metallization. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 307, pp.716-723. ?10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.04.108?. ?hal-01071632?
  • D Grégori, I. Benchenaa, F. Chaput, Sandrine Therias, Jean-Luc Gardette, et al.. Mechanically stable and photocatalytically active TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films on flexible organic substrates. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2014, 47, pp.20096-20104. ?10.1039/C4TA03826F?. ?hal-01097707?
  • Ancuta Uliniuc, Marcel Popa, Eric Drockenmuller, Fernande Boisson, Didier Léonard, et al.. Toward tunable amphiphilic copolymers via CuAAC click chemistry of oligocaprolactones onto starch backbone. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 96 (1), pp.259-269. ?10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.03.047?. ?hal-02460223?