PhD position offers

ArchiFun Doctoral Programme (DP) is looking for 12 motivated Doctoral Fellows (DF) to be enrolled at the following universities: 6 DF at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL, France); 2 DF at University of Granada (UGR, Spain); 3 DF at the Technical University Munich (TUM, Germany); 1 DF at the Ljubljana National Institute of Chemistry (NIC, Slovenia).

The DF will be employed full time for 36 months, starting from October 2024. ArchiFun Fellows will be trained-through-research to become critical and autonomous intellectual risk takers, out-of-the-box thinkers and with a holistic approach to Life Sciences.

ArchiFun is an international DP, built within the Arqus Alliance of Universities, that specially focuses on the relationships between structure, function and dynamics at all levels, from the atoms up to cells, organisms and ecosystems. More details and application form can be found on the webpage: and at

At ISA Candidates can choose among the 3 following research projects: